CONNECT CAN'T BROWSE1. Is the member active in OTS and do they have synch?
2. Have mem connect with AM and make sure they have an IP that starts with either
3. Have mem open a DOS PROMPT window and then
type in : PING (write the results in your ticket)4. PING (write the results in your ticket)
* If #3 fails and # 4 passes then re-extract the wsock32.dll (see below on how to do this for WIN95-98)and if this fails then call support and escalate for "registry fix".
* If #3 and #4 both pass then it will probably be a proxy or 3rd party software interferring (ie: zone alarm or some other firewall software) Make sure proxies are unchecked and have mem do ALT-CTRL-DEL and END TASK everything except Systray and Explorer.
* If #3 and #4 both fail then have mem type in "ROUTE PRINT" in the DOS prompt window and write in your ticket the actual number of lines of data the mem sees.If you have 6 or 10 lines of data,then uninstall and reinstall TCP/IP.Re-boot the computer and all should be ok.If not then look under the TCP tab in AM and make sure there is a checkmark beside "use default gateway on remote",and if not check it and reboot.If the checkmark is there then suggest to member to try another version of AM.
If has 7 or 11 or any other number check in NETWORK under the TCP/IP for the HSE Adapter and make sure that nothing is specified and in the TCP tab in AM make sure you only have "use default gateway on remote".If all of that is ok then un-install and re-install the nic card and check and see that there are no duplicate adapters or TCP/IP.
If there are 14 or more lines of data this means the mem has more than 1 nic card and is more than likely running a network which is un-supported.Extracting wsock32.dll
WIN 98
Go to START>>>RUN>>>type in SFC and then select the option that says "extract one file from installation disk">>>>type in "wsock32.dll" and then press ENTER.
Restore from = (whatever the cd-rom drive is ie if it is D)
d:\win98 and press Ok.WIN95
Re-start the computer in MS-DOS mode
Find the wsock32.dll in c:\windows\system and rename it to wsock32.old
Next type in the following to extract it from the cd,again assuming D:\ is the cd-rom drive>>>
extract /a d:\win95\ wsock32.dll /1 c:\windows\system